Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well, Hello!

Well, hello friends! I made it to the mountains! And they are glorious, beautiful, and oh so perfect! The drive was incredible. Colorado is incredible. This life is incredible.

How can you not have a smile on your face when there are thousands, and I mean hundreds of thousands, wild sunflowers all around you? Yes, folks, there are wild sunflowers EVERYWHERE in Northern Colorado. And it is so magical! So beautiful! So blissful! And they truly are everywhere; in fields, along the road, growing through the cracks in the pavement, just everywhere! It's as if I died and went to heaven..

Rest stop sunflowers!

B. with roadside sunflowers!

Now having shared that, I will also share with all of you that I had a bit of a rough day today. After I got to Colorado (after the magical drive) and checked into my hotel, I got right back in my car and hit up the town. Well, that wasn't a great idea for a person who's been driving over 24 hours in the past 36 hours, who just traveled 2 hours back in time in the past 24 hours (= super tiredness), and who has nobody to count on but herself in all kinds of new places. It's not a bad thing at all. It's just overwhelming; it's exciting, exhilarating, adventurous, and really forces you to stay in the moment and LIVE. It's incredible. But it is overwhelming. And I tried to do too much too soon without giving myself time and space to adjust and breathe.

Thankfully, instead of having a meltdown in the middle of downtown, I quickly realized what was happening, got in my car, and went straight back to the hotel where I got some dinner across the street and then snuggled up in my bed watching movies and writing. That is exactly what I needed and I am so grateful that I knew it was exactly what I needed. That is the beauty of solo travel; you learn so much about yourself and you also reaffirm the things you *think* you know about yourself. It's a beautiful thing.

I feel a lot better now and I'm really looking forward to playing in the mountains tomorrow (and having a day w/o countless hours of driving). There will be climbing, frolicking, dancing, singing, running, rolling, and laughing involved. I can't wait to connect, reflect, breathe, and absorb. And yes, there will be TONS of pictures involved! Maybe even some videos. The mountains are so incredible from the outside I can't imagine the beauty I'll find on the inside. It's all very blissful. And surreal. I am so grateful for my life; even with the downs and in-betweens. And believe me, there are plenty of those.

Tomorrow might be my last post for a bit since I'll be arriving at the Krishna Temple in Salt Lake on Friday and I'm not really sure who I'll meet, what I'll be doing, and how I'll be feeling. Just wanted to let ya'll know so you can prepare yourselves and not miss me too much! (Just kidding. Unless you will indeed miss my posts, then I'm completely serious :-))

P.S. If you're ever in Boulder, Co try this beer. It is oh so so so good! Especially if you're an IPA lover. I had this beer with dinner and loved it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greetings from Nebraska!

So after a tearful goodbye this morning, I hit the road. I actually did it. And then I drove. For a really long time. Thirteen hours to be exact. And you know what that means? It means that I'm over halfway to my destination. You know what else it means? It means that I have a spare FULL day to do whatever I want, wherever I want before arriving in Salt Lake City. I'm not sure what happened...I just kept driving...and driving...and driving. And before I knew it the sun had set and I was in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska.

And for those of you who really, really know me know that I don't like the darkness too much. And I also don't like creepy hostel-like hotels too much. Not that there's anything wrong with them, they just scare me.

So I kept driving to a fairly lit up town and got a really great hotel room there for the night. In case you're wondering, I am in Grand Island, Nebraska. It's a pretty small town; so small that my dinner consisted of the following:

Bud Light and Mac'n'Cheese. The only place open was Uncle Ronny's Gas Station Food Mart. No joke. And after 13 hours of driving, a drink is definitely legit. Right?

Anyways, the rest of my night will be spent booking hotels somewhere in Colorado for 2 days because I'm awesome and I can drive non-stop for 13 hours. I love unexpected adventures. They're my favorite. I'll let you know tomorrow where I decided to stop.

So far this is what I learned:

-The only awesome thing about Illionois is Chicago.

- Eastern Iowa has the cleanest rest area bathrooms EVER. They are spotless.

- Western Iowa bathrooms are a little dirtier but the landscape is AMAZING! It is so beautiful and so stunning. I wish I had taken pictures but I don't think that's very safe while driving. Safety first!

- Iowa is overall awesome because it has free WIFI at rest stops. Very useful especially if you're driving through a monsoon and would like to know if you should watch out for tornadoes. (Yes, this happened to me. Unfortunately, no tornadoes. Maybe next time.)

- Nebraska is boring. Nothing to do, and nothing to see.

I wish I had more to share, folks, but I am tired and I need my beauty rest. It's been a LOOONNGGGG and very emotional day. But a good day. A very good day.

Until tomorrow,

Good Night and Good Luck!

Also, I kind of miss this person-

But only because he's awesome enough to take pictures like this:


Monday, August 29, 2011

It's Happening.

It's happening. It's really really truly happening. Marty has been repacked after this weekend's adventures and is ready to hit the road. As for me, I'm having a difficult time accepting that it's actually happening. I know that it is, but I still don't feel it. This is a moment I've been dreaming of for years; always envious of the people brave enough to actually make it happen. And now I'm one of those people.

Kalamazoo has been a place of so much growth and transformation. It has been a safe haven where I was able to grow my wings, and now I'm ready to use them. I'm ready to fly. I am free.

Kalamazoo has gifted me with courage, confidence, the ability to surrender to the unknown, the ability to change situations I'm capable of controlling, and the intuition to know the difference.  Kalamazoo has brought me my long lost soul sisters who support and honor my choices without judgment, and a relationship with the potential to last a lifetime.

Tomorrow morning I hit the road. I am ready. I've been ready. But still, that knowledge doesn't lessen the sadness that comes with leaving your home and the people you love. I will be back, but I will be changed. I will be different. Will it affect my relationships? Maybe. Probably. Some will be affected in a good way, others not so much. But regardless, this is something I have to do. I need to grow more. I need to learn more. I need to connect more. And this is the only way to do it. My spirit yearns for it. Life is pulling me, I'm not sure where, but it's taking me somewhere; somewhere beautiful. And I'm following; completely fearless and in absolute surrender.

And now I think it's time to lighten it up a bit, don't you? So, guess what I did this weekend?

Only my favorite thing in the whole wide world- CAMPING! Honestly, I prefer to sleep outside in a tent than in any bed on this planet. No joke. I was born to prance around in the woods smelling flowers and hugging trees. I wasn't able to take very many pictures because we spent most of our time on the glorious, most beautiful Lake Michigan swimming in her cool waters and jumping off the most mesmerizing dunes. And a very expensive camera + little grains of sand = not a very wise idea as much as you would love for it be. So I listened to my inner wisdom and kept the camera off the sandy beaches. But I'll leave you with a few (very few) pictures that I was able to capture amidst all the super awesome drunken craziness.

I will try to blog tomorrow, this may or may not happen depending on if the hotel I stop at has WIFI. Until I update again, take good care of yourselves friends.

I'm gonna leave you with a conversation I had with my mom this morning.

"We need to come up with a keyword."

"What do you mean, Mom?"

"We need a keyword that you can text me in case you're in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"In case someone starts attacking you."

"Mom, if someone is attacking me I doubt that I'll be able to pull out my phone and quickly text you with a keyword. If I am able to reach my phone at all, I will probably call 911."



I love my mother.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today's post is just a compilation of various thoughts and memories that have been flowing through my mind. Also, nothing too exciting has been going on around here. It's like the calm before the storm; the last day of quiet before the traveling craziness begins. And quite honestly, I really need this last day to center myself and connect. The fact that I'm leaving in 4 days hasn't really hit me yet. I KNOW it; but I don't FEEL it. However, it's exactly where I need to be right now. Amidst all the change, transition, and craziness I'm able to find peace and purpose; and with that comes trust and certainty that I am following my path, my intuition, my heart. And just knowing and feeling that is good enough. I live a good life and I am so grateful to know what I know and feel what I feel. Anyways, enough of my thoughts; time for some stories.

*P. does really good work. It's not easy, and most days he comes home feeling defeated. Well, his job also requires him to spend a good amount of time in the court room and today is P.'s first day in court. Actually, he's been in court before but this is his first trial. So naturally he's been really nervous, and naturally I think it's the cutest thing ever. He's made a few comments about it on and off for the past few weeks, but when he gave me a huge hug yesterday followed by "Baby, tell me I'll do okay tomorrow", I knew that this was a big deal in his world. And I knew that I had to do something. So this morning I woke up at 6:30am to make him breakfast and pack him a lunch. I would've ironed his clothes too (which he NEVER lets me do; he was raised by a feminist mother and I adore her for it), but he chose to do it last night fearing that for some unknown reason the iron wouldn't work in the morning. So after getting ready, P. walks into the kitchen, looks at me with fear in his eyes and whispers

"Thank you for breakfast. Please tell me that I'll be okay today."

"You're gonna do great today."


"I promise."

I then readjusted his tie, handed him his lunch in a brown paper bag, and sent him out the door with a "Good luck honey! You'll do so great!". And for a moment I felt like I was sending a first grader off on his first day of school.

* I was browsing through some pictures on my computer last night and came across these:

I had to work really early on a Saturday morning back when I was still mingling in the corporate world. Well, unknown to me, Denny also had to work that Saturday morning, and he decided to brighten my morning with a cup of coffee and the sweetest note, ever. I miss him.

* Speaking of Denny, last winter we went to Key West together. We also went para sailing.

Do you see how in the pictures Denny looks a little uncertain (you can really see it in the second one)? Well, he was. Our conversation went a little something like this:

"Oh, wow. I didn't know we would go so high!" (nervous laughter)

"Are you scared Denny?"

"A little."

"Really?!" (giggles)

"Well I just didn't know we would go so high!"

"What are you scared of?"

"Well what if we fall in the water and a shark comes and eats us?" (This way said with complete seriousness by the way.)

"Denny, a shark won't come and eat us."

"But your mother said there were lots of sharks here."

"Denny, my mother also thinks that there are black bears in SW Michigan and mountain lions in Florida."

"But WHAT IF we do fall and it just so happens that a shark is there?"

"Denny, did you know that if we fall from the height we're at the water will have the same properties as concrete?"

"Umm...what does that have to do with sharks?"

"It means that you will die as soon as you hit the water. So stop worrying about sharks!"

"Damn it, Yelena! I want down! NOW!"

"Well, do ahead and try yelling it. Maybe the guys will hear you."

Denny tried. The guys didn't hear us. And then he decided to start having a good time. And he did.

We even played footsie!

Getting a little dip in the water!

* I've developed a really strong aversion to freeways. In fact, I kind of hate them. I avoid them when possible and prefer to take the back roads. And thanks to my GPS, I am able to do that most of the time. Here is what my drive looked like the last time I drove to the East side of the state:

It was lovely. I had the windows down, the music blasting, and fresh country air breezing through my hair. I might have developed a slight obsession with country roads. But I don't think it's a problem quite yet.

* I have never tie-dyed anything. Judge away.

* I hate talking on the phone; and I really hate Skyping. I'm not sure why, but it is what it is. However, this morning I had a really great Skype conversation, video and all, and I'm thinking that maybe I can get used to this whole Skype thing. Maybe. So if you have Skype, add me. My Skype name is aneley8804.

* I'm always scared that someone is going to break into my car, even though I know the possibility of that happening is slim to none. It's becoming a problem.

* P. and I are going camping this weekend with some of our friends. This means that there will be no blog posts until Monday. Until then, friends, be well and take care!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Story

Once upon a time, six really awesome Goddesses decided to go to South Haven for a weekend. They found a condo, packed their bags, and set off on their way. One of the Goddesses really enjoys the finer things in life, we'll call her C., and the rest of the Goddesses love giving her a hard time about it purely out of love. So when the Goddesses arrived in South Haven, they made C. sleep on an air mattress on the floor. And when C. complained of hunger or of being cold, we shook rattles at her and pretended not to hear.

Well, a few weeks after the super awesome Goddess weekend, C. revealed to us that she was pregnant. Of course the reaction was complete elation with lots of jumping, hugging, and belly rubbing involved. And then the conversation took a sudden turn...

"Hey C! Does this mean you were pregnant during the Goddess weekend?"


"Does this mean that you were pregnant when we made you sleep on the floor, deprived you of food, shook rattles in your face when you were shivering, made you stay up until wee hours of the morning, and forced you to take your shoes off in the middle of the night on the beach?"


"I officially volunteer to be your personal servant for the rest of my life. Free of charge."

We then offered to rub her feet, give her a back massage, feed her food off a golden platter, and provide her with whatever finer things her heart desires.

The End.

(I may or may not have exaggerates slightly during this post. I promise that no babies or future mommies were harmed during the events mentioned above.)


As for me, I spent most of the day today packing for a camping adventure that P. and I are embarking on this weekend. I'll elaborate a little more tomorrow and then share pictures and stories on Monday.

I've also been trying not to have a nervous breakdown with the thought of leaving in 5 days. FIVE DAYS! It still hasn't quite hit me, but I'm sure it will as soon as I hit the road. In 5 days.... AAHHHH!

P.S. I do all my blogging between 2-5pm on P.'s front porch, usually with some sort of beverage in hand. I'm a master of routine, even while home-free and job-free :-) And then I make dinner...sometimes. Today it's veggie lasagna! Yum!

Today's drink of choice: Michigan Brewing Company Stout

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Goddess Love

Kalamazoo has been a blessing in my life for many reasons, but ranked highly on the list are the friendships I have developed with some powerful, honorable, humble, and courageous women. Actually, calling them women does no justice to the spirits that live inside of them; they are all Goddesses. And these Goddesses are my sisters. 

Never in my life have I experienced such magical sisterhood. I cherish every moment I spend with these lovely ladies and I am certain, without a doubt, that our bonds will only grow stronger. I treasure each one in a very special, yet different, way and I cannot imagine my life without each one of them. But I don't have to; near or far, sisters always maintain the soul connection. 

When I woke up yesterday, I knew that it would be a very special day. I could feel the feminine energy vibrating in the air and every cell in my body tingled with excitement. I knew it would be a powerful day; and it was, indeed.

I snuggled up on the couch with a fellow traveling sister who finally found her roots in Kalamazoo. We drank coffee and talked of touching elbows, bats, and aging men. This Goddess is so amazing, so strong, and I am so honored to share my journey with her.

Our love for mozzarella sticks strengthened our bond.

Our favorite picture ever...Why? Well, I don't think I've quite figured it out yet....but it's awesome. epic.

Once upon a time we got our noses pierced together....the end.

After all the snuggles, I met up with a yogini Goddess of Owls and Dancing (who also happens to own a wicked yoga studio here in Kalamazoo, Sunrise Yoga ( . If you're local check it out!) and we shared a moment that will forever be marked on our bodies. Literally. Krista and I got tattoos! It was my third and probably Krista's 17th. 

Getting ready!

best. picture. ever. Krista being, well, Krista while I'm getting inked.

Work in progress.

Krista getting ready!


She's a little crazy (in all the best ways), and oodles of fun.

Work underway.

Finished product!

All done! (If you have a problem with feet, I apologize. I'm a barefoot walking hippie and it shows.)
 Now you might be wondering what my tattoo means (Krista's is pretty self explanatory. She's a Goddess afterall ;-)), or maybe you're not, but I'm gonna tell you anyways. 

The symbol I got is known as the Web of Wyrd and contains a combination of the runes, an ancient Nordic alphabet.  It represent the past, present, and future and serves as a reminder that the actions of the past affect the present and that present actions affect the future. Everything is connected, all is one. In a sense, it is a representation of the tree of life.  And since P. has the tree of life tattooed on his back, I thought it would be awesome to get a representation of that as well. It's a very powerful symbol, and I've committed to wearing it with honor.

After getting our "Goddess Marks", Krista went to the studio to teach a class and I headed 'home' for a bit. And that evening, the yoga Goddesses reunited.

The last time all of us were together at the same time was months ago on the glorious Lake Michigan. Here's some pictures from that lovely weekend where we bonded and let our glorious Selves shine:

Krista, Christina, Sam, myself, and Annette

Our Goddess altar. Gotta have it!

"Creative" jewelry making.

Just letting our glorious selves shine!

And yesterday we reunited for an evening filled with love, laughs, stories, and conversations about REALLY exciting news that I am finally able to share! I am going to miss these ladies so so SO much.

Together again!

Giggles and laughs. Typical :-)



We've known for a little while now but Christina asked us not to share with anyone until she got into her second trimester. Well, she got there! And I can finally talk about it which is awesome cause I have stories to share! Now since I don't want to make this post into a novel, the stories will have to wait until tomorrow; so make sure to check back in tomorrow for some giggles!

Also, I think it's a girl. But even if it's not, this little baby is already being showered in endless Goddess Auntie love. I love being Auntie Y.

Until tomorrow, be well and make sure to get some Goddess time! Even if it's with your mama!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Super Lazy Saturday

This Saturday, P. and I had a super lazy day. We might just have to make it a monthly tradition when I'm all traveled out.

I woke up while P. slept in to meet this guy-

and this lady-

for some lunchtime beers.

I then promptly went back to P.'s place (my home until I leave), changed into my jammies, and crawled back into bed. After a lunchtime nap, I convinced P. that the time has come for him to be introduced to The Shire, Gollum, Frodo, and all of their adventures. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, P. is a deprived human being who has never seen any Lord of the Rings movies. But I am proud to say that after Saturday, he is 50% of the way there. I'm not sure how his deprived soul made it this far.

Along with Lord of the Rings, our Saturday also consisted of:

Making hummus! Lots and lots and lots of hummus! (P. makes the best hummus ever.)

Taunting cute puppies with mentioned hummus.
Loving up on cute puppies after being taunted with hummus by my lovely self.
Yummy organic wine.
Home-cooked all organic, local dinner. My stomach was very happy that night.

So far today has consisted of Goddess-awesomeness and ink with more awesomeness on the way this evening. Pictures and stories to come tomorrow :-)

Also, I leave for Utah in exactly a week...I am feeling every single emotion that I am capable of feeling all at the same time while trying to keep it together. Time is a-tickin', and it's very bittersweet.