Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Story

Once upon a time, six really awesome Goddesses decided to go to South Haven for a weekend. They found a condo, packed their bags, and set off on their way. One of the Goddesses really enjoys the finer things in life, we'll call her C., and the rest of the Goddesses love giving her a hard time about it purely out of love. So when the Goddesses arrived in South Haven, they made C. sleep on an air mattress on the floor. And when C. complained of hunger or of being cold, we shook rattles at her and pretended not to hear.

Well, a few weeks after the super awesome Goddess weekend, C. revealed to us that she was pregnant. Of course the reaction was complete elation with lots of jumping, hugging, and belly rubbing involved. And then the conversation took a sudden turn...

"Hey C! Does this mean you were pregnant during the Goddess weekend?"


"Does this mean that you were pregnant when we made you sleep on the floor, deprived you of food, shook rattles in your face when you were shivering, made you stay up until wee hours of the morning, and forced you to take your shoes off in the middle of the night on the beach?"


"I officially volunteer to be your personal servant for the rest of my life. Free of charge."

We then offered to rub her feet, give her a back massage, feed her food off a golden platter, and provide her with whatever finer things her heart desires.

The End.

(I may or may not have exaggerates slightly during this post. I promise that no babies or future mommies were harmed during the events mentioned above.)


As for me, I spent most of the day today packing for a camping adventure that P. and I are embarking on this weekend. I'll elaborate a little more tomorrow and then share pictures and stories on Monday.

I've also been trying not to have a nervous breakdown with the thought of leaving in 5 days. FIVE DAYS! It still hasn't quite hit me, but I'm sure it will as soon as I hit the road. In 5 days.... AAHHHH!

P.S. I do all my blogging between 2-5pm on P.'s front porch, usually with some sort of beverage in hand. I'm a master of routine, even while home-free and job-free :-) And then I make dinner...sometimes. Today it's veggie lasagna! Yum!

Today's drink of choice: Michigan Brewing Company Stout

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