Wednesday, October 26, 2011

When Two Gypsies Collide

 They climb Red Rocks to a magical spot for prayer tie creation.

They request to go up the mountain a day early. The Universe says yes. They go. They pick the only two spots without any shade. They fast. They bleed. They meet the Grandmother. They reunite. They watch the sun rise. They shed tears to the pounding of the sacred drum inside the Shaman's Cave. They become soul sisters.

They take the road less traveled by. The crows become their guides and the hawks their protectors.

They ask trees permission before climbing them.

Sometimes they say no (in that case they get hugs and lots of lovin!).

And sometimes they say yes.

They climb into the womb of Mother Earth.

They find their way to the Edge....

...and decide to stay for a bit.

They listen to answers blowing in the wind.

They find joy in existing.

 They let the waters move them.

They discover hidden beaches...

...and hidden coves...

...and find solace in both.

They ask the Universe for what they desire and later stumble upon it in the woods.

And when it's time to go, they take one last picture together, hold each other tight, exchange words of love, and head opposite ways knowing full well that their paths will one day cross again...and it will be beautiful.