Thursday, October 3, 2013

Home Sweet Thailand

I will never forget the heaviness of the air as I stepped off the plane. The humidity is unlike any I've felt before; an entity it's own, attacking your body for it's moisture and sucking it all out. The flight from Beijing to Bangkok felt like a delusional roller coaster ride as 36 hours of no sleep took over my mind and the monsoon took over the plane. I dozed in and out of consciousness, awakened by the dramatic drops and rocked back to sleep by the gentle bumps of the invisible air road. Somehow instead of feeling fear or worry, a euphoria took over. I smiled as the plane fought it's way through the thickness of the monsoon clouds and felt a sense of blissful weightlessness as the wheels made contact with the runway.

I was surprised at how quickly I got past immigration and stepped out into a mass of people yelling things in my face, asking what my name is, and trying to convince me that I "won't regret staying in this all-inclusive resort on the beach!" Sorry new Thai friends, been there done that and it ain't my thing! I was prepared for the airport lobby and knew exactly what to do; don't look them in the eyes and don't respond.

I did just that...until I didn't. You see, I had pre-arranged a ride and at the meeting point there were dozens of drivers holding up signs with names. Amongst them were individuals advertising for taxis and all sorts of non-necessities. As I glanced through all the signs looking for my name, I made eye contact with a Thai advertising a taxi service. Mistake number one. Don't make eye contact.

When asked if I needed a taxi I said no. Mistake number two. Don't respond.

It took countless polite declines and finally a very firm NO to escape. After that interaction, I chose to hang out by the flight monitors and discreetly glance over to look for a sign with my name on it. Finally, I see it! A man holding a sign with my name on it! I approach him with a smile and put out my hand for a handshake. He looks confused. I had a moment of panic where I couldn't remember if it's the left hand or the right hand that's considered dirty in Thailand....FAIL. Hoping that I didn't offend my driver, I bowed my head in apology and looked up to see him smiling that beautiful, warm smile that Thais are famous for. He grabbed my bag and started walking...I followed.

We walked through hallways, took a few turns, and were in a parking garage. We approached his car and I immediately went for the passenger side door. I looked up to see my driver confused again. I glanced into the window and realized that I was standing at the driver's side...second fail.

Laughing, I made my way to the other side, got in, and we took off. While driving, I though about my adventure so far and how it led up to a moment of being in a car with a stranger, driving through a country I've never been in, and trusting that I was going to end up in a safe place with a clean and comfy bed. I know what some of you may be thinking- you're stupid, crazy, and asking for trouble.

I appreciate your concern and respect your opinion. We are all entitled to our individual truths and beliefs. That's what makes us so interesting and special. I believe in trust, intuition, and adventure. I believe in overcoming fears, putting myself in risky and fearful situations, and doing things solo for the purpose of growth and self-discovery. I believe that there is danger everywhere, and there is also goodness everywhere. I've heard horror stories of terrible things happening to people overseas, and I've heard just as many horror stories of terrible things happening to people in my own neighborhood and in my own country. And yes, I am afraid of terrible things happening to me- overseas and in the states. But I am not going to let that fear stop me from living my life the way I am inspired to live it. I believe in the power of my intuition and I have become fluent in it's language. As soon as I started listening, understanding, and most importantly following that voice, my life has been exponentially evolving into a journey of meaning, purpose, and limitless possibilities.

It has led me through mountains and canyons; to the oceans and the rivers; to remote places of wilderness and into the hearts of teenagers; to brother Thailand and mother India; to soulmates, growth zones, and wild adventures; to a life of overcoming fears, finding joy in every moment, a belief in the goodness of people, and a trust in the unexplainable; to a safe place and a comfy bed.

I don't know how often I will blog through this chapter of my journey. Maybe daily, weekly, or not at all. Either way, I'll have stories the next time our paths cross.

Love and Blessings to you all.

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