Friday, July 1, 2011

Be patient wild eyes. Soon will come a storm to tame you.

*I have realized that the biggest challenge with blogging is deciding how much of your personal life to reveal. Do I blog about the good? The bad? The ugly? All of them? And when it comes to other people, friends and family, how much do I reveal? Where is the boundary? I will be treading lightly in the blogging world as I find my answers to these questions. And if I include you in my blog and you feel like I have overstepped the boundary, please let me know. It will be a challenge finding a balance, but I'll get there.*

Well, July is finally upon me. My last month in Kalamazoo. Undoubtedly, this month will consist of packing, purging, and solidifying the connections I want to keep. With Krista gone for the month, it will also be a time of cultivating my personal yoga practice. Even typing those words brings makes me feel uneasy. Here is my current inner dialogue-

"Me? With a personal yoga practice? WHAT?!!! But that means I have to commit and follow through....I CAN'T DO THIS! I need someone to make me do the pigeon and the splits- I need someone to force me to do them! Krista- coommeee baacckkk! Don't leave me!!"

Dramatic? Yes. Realistic? Absolutely not. Because the truth is, I can totally do it. I have the best yoga friends who inspire, motivate, and will be there to snap me out of whatever yoga funk I'm having that day (Thanks Sam and Christina) These ladies have been my biggest support system both on and off the mat, and they are still here! I may not have Sunrise Yoga, but I have two of the most amazing friends to count on. And honestly, even if I didn't have such an amazing support system, I know that I could still do it. I have come such a long way in my yoga practice, both physically and spiritually. And I know that I am strong enough, determined enough, disciplined enough to cultivate a kick ass yoga practice. And I will. But having fellow yogis to share that with is an incredible blessing. And I am so grateful.

  Christina (arm balances on the beach)

Sam (headstand in Rome)

 Me (dancer at a rest stop)

Another "July Mission" is creating some sort of travel plan. I have a very rough idea of what I'll be doing but it would be nice to develop these ideas a little further. So here is the rough outline-

First part of August- Mexico

Second part of August- back to Michigan to tie up loose ends (autopayment for loans, create a budget, pack suitcases, pack car, etc.)

September- this month is wide open but i have some ideas: Alaska, Colorado, Washington, British Columbia, or a road trip through all of them. Or maybe I'll just end up vising friends I haven't seen in a while. We'll see..

Early October- Arizona/New Mexico to Vision Quest

Mid October- Czech Republic

Post October- probably back and forth between Europe and the states. I'll grab opportunities as they arise. 

So this is what I have so far. Mexico, Arizona, and the Czech are set in stone. There is a purpose for those locations but I will reveal the details (well, some of them) as I move towards each destination. I have to tread this ground extremely carefully. However, September is my "go crazy, be completely irresponsible, live it up, i laugh in the face of fear" month. I'm open to all suggestions. I would really like to have a plan, or at least a start of a plan, before August. And I want to hear your ideas!

I am hesitant to plan too far ahead (as you can clearly see). I feel that planning out every detail months in advance kills the spontaneity and adventure that is so crucial in travel and inner growth. I don't want to close any doors before knowing what is behind each one. I really want to feel free, unattached, and wild. Correction: I am free, unattached, and wild! And as August approaches, I'm beginning to feel that freedom and wilderness stirring in the depths of my being. And let me tell you, it feels good. Really, really good.

As for this weekend, I've got a little adventure planned. So no blog post until next week. But believe me, it's gonna be a great one!

In about 8 hours I'll be on my way here:

Sleeping here:

With someone who looks a bit like this:

And just so you know, this polar bear melts my heart, fills it with abundance, and sometimes makes it skip a beat or two. Yup, he's pretty great.

Until next week, hope you have a lovely weekend. Take off those shoes, feel your roots grow deep, and let the Earth be your drum. Close your eyes and let the waters serenade you as you throw your worries to the wind. And smile. Because you are exactly where you're supposed to be. And life is good. Real good.

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