Monday, July 11, 2011

Gypsy Adventures : Part 2

So I know that this post is WAY overdue, and most of you are probably wondering "what trip are you talking about?", but I finally found a window of time in my crazy busy ' i have new interns to train, bags to pack, friends to see, boyfriend to snuggle with, yoga practice' schedule; and I am using that time to write about the second part of my Gypsy Wagon adventure. (Yes, remember the Gypsy Wagon and my unhealthy obsession with it?)

Well, the second day of our adventure started out pretty slow. Very slow. The 'I know the sun's been out for hours but I refuse to look at the time because I know it's really late in the day' kind of slow. The original plan was to get up between 8-8:30am and go get some free breakfast (more specifically- COFFEE) our hosts prepared for all their guests. We were then going to pack a lunch, get dressed, and be out the door by 10am since we had places to see and nooks to explore.

That plan got thrown out very quickly when I rolled out of bed and saw that it was almost noon. And then, in a state of denial, I rolled back into bed and went back to sleep. Apparently I wasn't very graceful rolling back into bed cause the next thing I hear is-

"Baby, what time is it?"

I pretend not to hear and snuggle up real close to P. hoping he just falls back asleep... Wishful thinking.

"Do you know what time it is?"
"But didn't you just get up to check the time?"
"Well, why did you get up then?"
"Umm...I just needed a drink of water."
"Oh okay. Do you think we should get up?"
"NO. I think we should sleep a little more."

Before you judge me, understand that I was lying to protect my own sanity. I call it self defense. If you see P. in the morning before his first cup of coffee, you may understand. If you see P. in the morning after he finds out that he won't be having his first cup of coffee, you will definitely understand. And that morning, we were not having coffee. Why? Because I thought it would be a fabulous idea not to set an alarm for morning breakfast. Lesson learned: even if you go to bed by 10pm, you may not wake up by 8am.

By the time we actually got out of bed, it was nearing 1pm. And as predicted, P. was not a happy camper. But he quickly perked up when the topics of a gas station and Red Bull were brought up. So we got ourselves ready, I packed us a lunch, and off we went. After a quick gas station stop (20 miles away, I might add), our  caffeinated selves hit the trails. And aside from a few comments here and there, I will let the pictures do most of the talking. However, neither words nor pictures can do justice to the sights we saw and the things we felt. It was beautiful.

P- "Hey! I think there's a feather in there!"

Y- "I think I can get it with my foot!" (I failed, btw.)
I have a fondness for uprooted trees. I think they remind me to continue growing my roots deep.

Uprooted tree from 3 years ago! Taken in Washington. See? I told you there's something between me and those uprooted trees!

One of my favorite pictures.

If you look carefully, you'll see the water falling. This was a waterfall that we stumbled upon. Completely isolated with no one in sight. So what do I decide to do? Strip down and rinse off. (See picture below- don't worry, it's clothed!) I mean, would you expect anything less from me?

Showering under the waterfall.

P. taking a rest and admiring...everything.

Now the next two pictures are my favorite...ever. I'm sure that all of you know my passion for yoga, and some of you may even be familiar with a signature yoga pose I do on every single trip. I'm actually thinking of making a photo album. Anyways, after P. finished taking a picture of me in 'Dancer', he handed me the camera and confidently took my spot where he proceeded to attempt the 'Dancer'. Judge away.

Me in 'Dancer'. (Isn't the scenery breathtaking? So much inspiration)

P. in 'Dancer'.

And after a long, incredible, breathtaking day of hiking- we got to wind down to this:

and this:

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