Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.

Well, it's that time of the year again. A time to harvest that which has blossomed within and surrender to the changes that harvest brings. As the nights get a little longer, colder, and quieter, I find myself spending lots of time awake and alone in the darkness contemplating, reflecting, and growing. Fall possesses the power to bring my mind to a stillness; a place where I can actually see things for what they are and not what I want them to be. It's in the coolness of her breeze that I make significant changes and life-altering decisions with pure clarity and confidence. But this Fall is a little different. This Fall I am surrounded by kaleidoscope mountains; home-free, job-free, stress-free, with all the time in the world to contemplate my life and the state of my being. This Fall, there are no distractions; my only focus: me, my life, and my journey.

A few weeks ago, I called my mom.

"Mom, I'm coming back to Michigan for the months of November and December. I found a place to live in Kalamazoo, and I really want to be home for the holidays."

A few days later I called her back.

"Actually Mom, I'll be back in Michigan for November but I'm leaving again in December."

Her response?

"You seem to be changing your mind a lot. Why don't you sit down, think about it, and let me know when you have REALLY made up your mind."

Yup. Mother knows her daughter best. I didn't know what I wanted to do. There was so much going on, I was so scattered, so alive and full of life, that I didn't know what I wanted. I wanted it all. I wanted to be everywhere and do everything all at once. I wanted to make everyone happy while making myself happy. I wanted to do what was safe and dangerous all at the same time. I wanted all of it. But I forgot some very important life truths...

1. I am responsible for my own happiness. And my happiness is my ultimate priority.
2. Everything is allowed.
3. There is no right or wrong.
4. I can change my mind.
5. Slow down and breathe.

After I slowed down and really thought about it, I called my mom again.

"Mom, I'm not coming back to Michigan."

So there you have it folks, I'm not coming back. Michigan is no longer my home, and to be honest, accepting this fact was one of the most exhilarating moments of my life. I am now really, truly, "home-free". I am throwing everything to the wind and letting it guide me. I think Bob Dylan had it right; the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.

And to the wind I surrender. I surrender to the moments where no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world; whatever it meant. I surrender to the calling of my heart, my deepest Self, with full knowing, courage, and confidence.

Until later, folks, take care, be well, breathe well.

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