Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Rave: Krishna Style

This past Saturday was the day we've been preparing for. There were death threats, tears, eye rolls, panic attacks, mountains of dishes, sleepless nights, countless hours of slave labor, but we eventually made it through. Well, we didn't really have a choice; we either made it happen or committed suicide in fear of being murdered by a certain lady who owns our souls here at the temple. And no, that is not a joke. She is blunt, she will make you cry, she will make you feel like you don't deserve to breathe, but we still love and adore her. Why? Well, I don't really have an answer to that question. But I have to admit, the few times I have seen her smile (which is getting more and more frequent by the way) the birds sang a little louder, the sun shone a little brighter, and everyone at the temple rejoiced. Seriously.

But we made it happen...India Fest 2011!

We continued working and helping throughout the event but were able to join in on a few festivities. Here are a few highlights:

Sebastian and Alex checking out the arriving crowd from the top.

Mama and baby!

Dancing Kirtan!

Getting blessed.

I got a sari! I also got P. a traditional shirt to match and we'll be rockin' our gear to Christina's birthday party in November!

Laura and I.

Wren and Saji.
See the crazy looking monster behind Wren and Saji in the picture above? That's Ravana, a monster who gets burned every year at the India Fest (I'm not too sure of the story behind it). Well, Wren and Saji painted, and put together the whole thing! They are so incredible...and crazy awesomely artistic. And the fact that they had the heart to watch their hard work burn down in a matter of minutes is quite brave if you ask me. And here is how it all happened:

Saji watching her beautiful work burn...

And then we rocked out to a Krishna jam band...awesome.

Today we all took the day off to climb a mountain and relax in some hot springs. It was so lovely. And so well-deserved. I will do a picture post on that adventure tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

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