Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Once Upon a Sunday

It was exactly 8 days ago; a Sunday. I had spent the last two days climbing with Dan at Red Rock Canyon just outside of Vegas (has it only been 8 days?! Feels like at least a month ago!). Saturday's 12 hour climb and repel past sunset left me a little bruised up and tired (the fact that I forgot my head lamp and was forced to repel in the darkness, banging myself into nooks and crannies probably didn't help my cause...), and on Sunday we decided to take a rest day. So what do you do on a rest day? Well, you get a 6-pack, put on some tunes and re-organize your gear. That's just how it goes. And for me, there's always purging of stuff I haven't used in the past week involved; or purging stuff that's been duck taped for the past year and really isn't salvageable.

But this time around, it was a little different. This time around I pulled these babies out-

and realized that they looked more like this.

As Dan quietly stared at the unrecognizable footwear I am cradling in my hands, I whispered "Well, they're not that bad, right?"

No answer. Just stares of bewilderment.

I take a deep sigh, close my eyes, and bravely declare "I think it's time for them to go."

Dan followed up with "Umm..I think that's a GREAT idea."

He then proceeded to knock me out with chloroform, grab the shoes out of my hands, and take them hundreds of miles away where I could never find them again.

....at least I wish that's what he would've done.

Instead, he stared with understanding in his eyes as I threw the sandals in the trash bag.

.....actually, he didn't even do that.

So what did he do? He continued re-organizing his gear like the most traumatic event in my life wasn't even a big deal at all.

I then told him we couldn't be friends anymore. Silently. In my head.....

So, friends, it was exactly 8 days ago that I parted with my beloved Birkenstocks. I am happy to say that no one was hurt during the separation and Dan and I continue to be friends. I am also happy to encourage every single one of you to go out and get yourself a pair of Birks because they are truly the most durable, comfortable, outdoor friendly sandals I have ever owned.

I've used them as water shoes-

Hiking shoes-

Winter shoes-

I have used them obsessively and extensively and I couldn't be happier with their performance. Would I get another pair? Absolutely. As soon as the money fairy shows up, that is...

But if you are looking for a good sandal- any Birkenstock shoe will go above and beyond your expectations, without a doubt. I know that summer is a bit away, but Christmas is right around the corner :-) Just an idea!

1 comment:

  1. Can i just say, that's the only reaction you will probably ever get from an Aquarius. (those assholes, lol) I miss you two. Meet me on round two!
