Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Randoms 2.0

-Today I bought my ticket to Czech Republic and Poland. I got really excited when I received my ticket confirmation and then the panic slowly set in when I realized that I am not a very good air traveler. Thankfully, the rational side of me looked up Delta's international flight policies and I realized that there will be complimentary wine and beer. Crisis averted.

-While sleeping in the backseat of my car at a casino parking lot a few nights ago, I rudely got woken up by a security guard banging on my window. I don't know why but this gave me an intense fit of the giggles. There were tears and involuntary shaking involved due to my inability to stop laughing. I think the security guard was more panicked by my response than I was being woken up in the middle of the night. Don't ask me why I responded this way, I do not have an answer for you. But roughly 2 hours later I was in Vegas drinking coffee and trying to figure out how to get the hell outta there. Vegas and I don't get along.

-When I get back from Europe in early January, I am going to Central America. Maybe by myself; possibly with someone else. This idea popped into my head this past weekend and I made a decision roughly 2.37 seconds after that. I'm gonna learn how to surf. And climb lots of mountains. And be a beach bum. Next winter I'm gonna learn how to ski and snowboard. However in another 2.37 second I may change my mind about all of this. Told you this was a randoms post!!

-For the next 5 days I get to sleep in a tipi. FIVE DAYS! In a TIPI! My life is perfect.

-I am planning a big Alaska trip for the upcoming summer. Then I'm heading down and spending the Fall in the NW region. I may or may not leave; I love that area. If you want to join, let me know. The more the merrier! We can find Bus 142. We can admire Denali and dream about one day climbing it. We can frolic through wildflower fields and swim in glacial water. We can do anything. Together. Yes?

-I need to journal more. I am so good at it when I'm traveling solo, but every time I'm around others, I forget. And when I remember, I get distracted and forget again. No good.

-There are six things I will not take for granted again.
    1. Water
    2. A warm meal
    3. Clean clothes
    4. A shower
    5. A bed

-Two days ago I was driving through New Mexico and saw a man standing on the side of the street facing traffic with his pants down. That night I got a motel room. New Mexico has the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen in my life, but the vibe of the people doesn't give me much sense of comfort or security. No offense to those of you who love this area, I do too. Really. I love the land, I'm just not crazy about the people.

-Everything that I own officially fits in my trunk. No more backseat baggage; the backseat is now my bedroom. I never thought I'd be able to downsize this much, but I have. It's kind of unbelievable when I think about all the stuff I owned. Going from a house to a car trunk and not missing any of it....Crazy!

-As much as I love traveling by myself, sometimes it can get lonely. I am really grateful for travel companions who have joined me along the way. I am also really grateful for spontaneous visitors and meeting new people.  But at the same time, I am grateful for my alone time....just not when I end up in questionable places all by my lonesome self!

-I am seriously thinking about getting dreads...I just want my hair to get a bit longer. And then I want to shave my head and rock some head scarves.

-This is the first year that I won't be with my family for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years. That makes me kind of sad.

-Sometimes I wish I were a bird. Mostly when I'm at places like the Grand Canyon.

-My wishlist keeps far on the list (not in any particular order):
    * bike
    * kayak
    * point and shoot camera
    * running shoes
    * a nice pair of lightweight hiking pants
    * high quality hiking winter boots (not so high on my list since I don't intend on seeing much snow)
    * high quality winter jacket (again, not so high on my list)
    * a new pair of glasses (mine are starting to reach the breaking point)
    * a new IPod to replace my non-functioning one
I am hoping to find a lot of these things at thrift stores eventually. Clearly, none of them have been essential to my survival so I'm not too eager to obtain any of them....even though some would be fun!

- About 37% of my time is spent thinking "Is this really my life?" And then I have to remind myself, yes, yes it is.

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