Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Goddess Love

Kalamazoo has been a blessing in my life for many reasons, but ranked highly on the list are the friendships I have developed with some powerful, honorable, humble, and courageous women. Actually, calling them women does no justice to the spirits that live inside of them; they are all Goddesses. And these Goddesses are my sisters. 

Never in my life have I experienced such magical sisterhood. I cherish every moment I spend with these lovely ladies and I am certain, without a doubt, that our bonds will only grow stronger. I treasure each one in a very special, yet different, way and I cannot imagine my life without each one of them. But I don't have to; near or far, sisters always maintain the soul connection. 

When I woke up yesterday, I knew that it would be a very special day. I could feel the feminine energy vibrating in the air and every cell in my body tingled with excitement. I knew it would be a powerful day; and it was, indeed.

I snuggled up on the couch with a fellow traveling sister who finally found her roots in Kalamazoo. We drank coffee and talked of touching elbows, bats, and aging men. This Goddess is so amazing, so strong, and I am so honored to share my journey with her.

Our love for mozzarella sticks strengthened our bond.

Our favorite picture ever...Why? Well, I don't think I've quite figured it out yet....but it's awesome. epic.

Once upon a time we got our noses pierced together....the end.

After all the snuggles, I met up with a yogini Goddess of Owls and Dancing (who also happens to own a wicked yoga studio here in Kalamazoo, Sunrise Yoga (http://www.sunriseyogakzoo.com/) . If you're local check it out!) and we shared a moment that will forever be marked on our bodies. Literally. Krista and I got tattoos! It was my third and probably Krista's 17th. 

Getting ready!

best. picture. ever. Krista being, well, Krista while I'm getting inked.

Work in progress.

Krista getting ready!


She's a little crazy (in all the best ways), and oodles of fun.

Work underway.

Finished product!

All done! (If you have a problem with feet, I apologize. I'm a barefoot walking hippie and it shows.)
 Now you might be wondering what my tattoo means (Krista's is pretty self explanatory. She's a Goddess afterall ;-)), or maybe you're not, but I'm gonna tell you anyways. 

The symbol I got is known as the Web of Wyrd and contains a combination of the runes, an ancient Nordic alphabet.  It represent the past, present, and future and serves as a reminder that the actions of the past affect the present and that present actions affect the future. Everything is connected, all is one. In a sense, it is a representation of the tree of life.  And since P. has the tree of life tattooed on his back, I thought it would be awesome to get a representation of that as well. It's a very powerful symbol, and I've committed to wearing it with honor.

After getting our "Goddess Marks", Krista went to the studio to teach a class and I headed 'home' for a bit. And that evening, the yoga Goddesses reunited.

The last time all of us were together at the same time was months ago on the glorious Lake Michigan. Here's some pictures from that lovely weekend where we bonded and let our glorious Selves shine:

Krista, Christina, Sam, myself, and Annette

Our Goddess altar. Gotta have it!

"Creative" jewelry making.

Just letting our glorious selves shine!

And yesterday we reunited for an evening filled with love, laughs, stories, and conversations about REALLY exciting news that I am finally able to share! I am going to miss these ladies so so SO much.

Together again!

Giggles and laughs. Typical :-)



We've known for a little while now but Christina asked us not to share with anyone until she got into her second trimester. Well, she got there! And I can finally talk about it which is awesome cause I have stories to share! Now since I don't want to make this post into a novel, the stories will have to wait until tomorrow; so make sure to check back in tomorrow for some giggles!

Also, I think it's a girl. But even if it's not, this little baby is already being showered in endless Goddess Auntie love. I love being Auntie Y.

Until tomorrow, be well and make sure to get some Goddess time! Even if it's with your mama!

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