Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today's post is just a compilation of various thoughts and memories that have been flowing through my mind. Also, nothing too exciting has been going on around here. It's like the calm before the storm; the last day of quiet before the traveling craziness begins. And quite honestly, I really need this last day to center myself and connect. The fact that I'm leaving in 4 days hasn't really hit me yet. I KNOW it; but I don't FEEL it. However, it's exactly where I need to be right now. Amidst all the change, transition, and craziness I'm able to find peace and purpose; and with that comes trust and certainty that I am following my path, my intuition, my heart. And just knowing and feeling that is good enough. I live a good life and I am so grateful to know what I know and feel what I feel. Anyways, enough of my thoughts; time for some stories.

*P. does really good work. It's not easy, and most days he comes home feeling defeated. Well, his job also requires him to spend a good amount of time in the court room and today is P.'s first day in court. Actually, he's been in court before but this is his first trial. So naturally he's been really nervous, and naturally I think it's the cutest thing ever. He's made a few comments about it on and off for the past few weeks, but when he gave me a huge hug yesterday followed by "Baby, tell me I'll do okay tomorrow", I knew that this was a big deal in his world. And I knew that I had to do something. So this morning I woke up at 6:30am to make him breakfast and pack him a lunch. I would've ironed his clothes too (which he NEVER lets me do; he was raised by a feminist mother and I adore her for it), but he chose to do it last night fearing that for some unknown reason the iron wouldn't work in the morning. So after getting ready, P. walks into the kitchen, looks at me with fear in his eyes and whispers

"Thank you for breakfast. Please tell me that I'll be okay today."

"You're gonna do great today."


"I promise."

I then readjusted his tie, handed him his lunch in a brown paper bag, and sent him out the door with a "Good luck honey! You'll do so great!". And for a moment I felt like I was sending a first grader off on his first day of school.

* I was browsing through some pictures on my computer last night and came across these:

I had to work really early on a Saturday morning back when I was still mingling in the corporate world. Well, unknown to me, Denny also had to work that Saturday morning, and he decided to brighten my morning with a cup of coffee and the sweetest note, ever. I miss him.

* Speaking of Denny, last winter we went to Key West together. We also went para sailing.

Do you see how in the pictures Denny looks a little uncertain (you can really see it in the second one)? Well, he was. Our conversation went a little something like this:

"Oh, wow. I didn't know we would go so high!" (nervous laughter)

"Are you scared Denny?"

"A little."

"Really?!" (giggles)

"Well I just didn't know we would go so high!"

"What are you scared of?"

"Well what if we fall in the water and a shark comes and eats us?" (This way said with complete seriousness by the way.)

"Denny, a shark won't come and eat us."

"But your mother said there were lots of sharks here."

"Denny, my mother also thinks that there are black bears in SW Michigan and mountain lions in Florida."

"But WHAT IF we do fall and it just so happens that a shark is there?"

"Denny, did you know that if we fall from the height we're at the water will have the same properties as concrete?"

"Umm...what does that have to do with sharks?"

"It means that you will die as soon as you hit the water. So stop worrying about sharks!"

"Damn it, Yelena! I want down! NOW!"

"Well, do ahead and try yelling it. Maybe the guys will hear you."

Denny tried. The guys didn't hear us. And then he decided to start having a good time. And he did.

We even played footsie!

Getting a little dip in the water!

* I've developed a really strong aversion to freeways. In fact, I kind of hate them. I avoid them when possible and prefer to take the back roads. And thanks to my GPS, I am able to do that most of the time. Here is what my drive looked like the last time I drove to the East side of the state:

It was lovely. I had the windows down, the music blasting, and fresh country air breezing through my hair. I might have developed a slight obsession with country roads. But I don't think it's a problem quite yet.

* I have never tie-dyed anything. Judge away.

* I hate talking on the phone; and I really hate Skyping. I'm not sure why, but it is what it is. However, this morning I had a really great Skype conversation, video and all, and I'm thinking that maybe I can get used to this whole Skype thing. Maybe. So if you have Skype, add me. My Skype name is aneley8804.

* I'm always scared that someone is going to break into my car, even though I know the possibility of that happening is slim to none. It's becoming a problem.

* P. and I are going camping this weekend with some of our friends. This means that there will be no blog posts until Monday. Until then, friends, be well and take care!


  1. You take beautiful pictures, how do they turn out so vibrant? Denny looks much happier on the boat than in the air.

  2. Thank you! I actually have a really nice camera that takes beautiful pictures (Nikon D90), and then I do some light adjusting in iPhoto on my MacBook.
