Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greetings from Nebraska!

So after a tearful goodbye this morning, I hit the road. I actually did it. And then I drove. For a really long time. Thirteen hours to be exact. And you know what that means? It means that I'm over halfway to my destination. You know what else it means? It means that I have a spare FULL day to do whatever I want, wherever I want before arriving in Salt Lake City. I'm not sure what happened...I just kept driving...and driving...and driving. And before I knew it the sun had set and I was in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska.

And for those of you who really, really know me well...you know that I don't like the darkness too much. And I also don't like creepy hostel-like hotels too much. Not that there's anything wrong with them, they just scare me.

So I kept driving to a fairly lit up town and got a really great hotel room there for the night. In case you're wondering, I am in Grand Island, Nebraska. It's a pretty small town; so small that my dinner consisted of the following:

Bud Light and Mac'n'Cheese. The only place open was Uncle Ronny's Gas Station Food Mart. No joke. And after 13 hours of driving, a drink is definitely legit. Right?

Anyways, the rest of my night will be spent booking hotels somewhere in Colorado for 2 days because I'm awesome and I can drive non-stop for 13 hours. I love unexpected adventures. They're my favorite. I'll let you know tomorrow where I decided to stop.

So far this is what I learned:

-The only awesome thing about Illionois is Chicago.

- Eastern Iowa has the cleanest rest area bathrooms EVER. They are spotless.

- Western Iowa bathrooms are a little dirtier but the landscape is AMAZING! It is so beautiful and so stunning. I wish I had taken pictures but I don't think that's very safe while driving. Safety first!

- Iowa is overall awesome because it has free WIFI at rest stops. Very useful especially if you're driving through a monsoon and would like to know if you should watch out for tornadoes. (Yes, this happened to me. Unfortunately, no tornadoes. Maybe next time.)

- Nebraska is boring. Nothing to do, and nothing to see.

I wish I had more to share, folks, but I am tired and I need my beauty rest. It's been a LOOONNGGGG and very emotional day. But a good day. A very good day.

Until tomorrow,

Good Night and Good Luck!

Also, I kind of miss this person-

But only because he's awesome enough to take pictures like this:


1 comment:

  1. "Unfortunately, no tornadoes" I think it's fortunately no tornadoes! and i do have to agree with you about Illinois there is nothing else there except for Chicago! You are going to love Colorado!
